Course Design: Discussion Boards

Course Design: Discussion Boards

  • Date added: 2023-08-16
  • Duration: 16:42

In this episode we explore how to make discussion boards a powerful and dynamic tool for connection and exploration in the online classroom.

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Show Transcript

8.175 - 9.55 ANDREW COLETTI: Hello and welcome 

9.55 - 11.41 back to this episode of The T in Teaching. 

11.41 - 13.48 This episode is focused on discussion boards 

13.48 - 15.91 and their place and importance in course design. 

15.91 - 18.13 In this episode, our host, Jenny McNiven, 

18.13 - 20.02 interviewed Professor Jim Thompson. 

20.02 - 21.85 Jim Thompson is an adjunct professor 

21.85 - 24.25 in Temple's School of Business, teaching subjects 

24.25 - 26.56 like marketing and international business. 

26.56 - 28.51 Professor Thompson is an alumni of Temple, 

28.51 - 31.3 earning his bachelor in marketing in 1975. 

31.3 - 33.01 Besides being an adjunct professor, 

33.01 - 36.22 he also serves as an advisor to the student marketing SPO. 

36.22 - 38.86 Jenny McNiven is a senior instructional designer 

38.86 - 41.53 at Fox's Online and Digital Learning Department. 

41.53 - 43.78 In addition to online course support, 

43.78 - 47.59 she is the coordinator of Fox's Online Teaching Certificate 

47.59 - 49.78 and heads the department's faculty training 

49.78 - 50.95 and development program. 

50.95 - 52.81 Thank you for listening and please enjoy. 

57.84 - 60.81 JENNY MCNIVEN: Welcome back to this episode of The T 

60.81 - 61.92 in Teaching. 

61.92 - 64.65 I am senior instructional designer Jenny McNiven 

64.65 - 66.72 with the online and digital learning department. 

66.72 - 69.51 And I'm here today with Jim Thompson who 

69.51 - 72.81 has been a full-time professor and adjunct here 

72.81 - 74.91 at the Fox School of Business. 

74.91 - 79.59 Jim is one of our discussion board experts. 

79.59 - 82.3 Everyone loves talking to Jim about his use of discussion 

82.3 - 82.8 boards. 

82.8 - 84.96 And we thought it would be wonderful to have him 

84.96 - 88.62 into the studio today to talk about how to make discussion 

88.62 - 92.04 boards a powerful and dynamic tool for connection 

92.04 - 94.56 and exploration in the online classroom. 

94.56 - 96.81 So Jim, thank you so much for being here. 

96.81 - 98.64 JIM THOMPSON: Very happy to be here, Jenny. 

98.64 - 99.57 JENNY MCNIVEN: Excellent. 

99.57 - 100.07 All right. 

100.07 - 102.33 So we're just going to jump into some questions 

102.33 - 104.315 so we can get right down to it and start 

104.315 - 106.44 getting into the nitty gritty of discussion boards. 

106.44 - 109.11 So to start off, I think, importantly, we 

109.11 - 111.18 need to know where to start when determining 

111.18 - 114.15 topics for our discussion boards in classes. 

114.15 - 116.97 Ultimately, the discussion board should be tied back 

116.97 - 119.32 to our course learning objectives, 

119.32 - 121.42 but there's a lot of freedom in that 

121.42 - 123.4 that may feel daunting to faculty 

123.4 - 124.97 who are trying to design them. 

124.97 - 126.7 So what would you recommend for where 

126.7 - 128.18 we start with the process? 

128.18 - 130.72 JIM THOMPSON: So let me do a little bit of background. 

130.72 - 132.91 So I'm going to circle back to last fall. 

132.91 - 135.97 So roughly a year ago from now, I 

135.97 - 138.26 was going to be teaching an online course. 

138.26 - 141.55 But it would be the first one that was mostly asynchronous. 

141.55 - 144.46 I had taught a good number of online courses previously. 

144.46 - 145.72 But this was asynchronous. 

145.72 - 148.81 And we would only meet for less than an hour a week. 

148.81 - 152.35 Normally, in previous teaching of the international marketing 

152.35 - 154.12 class, I would introduce topics, and we 

154.12 - 155.47 would talk about them in class. 

155.47 - 157.31 But there was not going to be time. 

157.31 - 161.74 So in working with Sarah from the Fox Online and Digital 

161.74 - 164.92 Learning Group, she suggested maybe employing the discussion 

164.92 - 167.14 board as a way to enhance the class. 

167.14 - 169.098 And so that's exactly what we did. 

169.098 - 170.14 JENNY MCNIVEN: Wonderful. 

170.14 - 172.78 So you were basically like-- 

172.78 - 175.09 without having enough time in the classroom 

175.09 - 176.92 to cover everything you wanted to discuss, 

176.92 - 178.72 you were moving some of that discussion 

178.72 - 180.7 outside of the classrooms and replacing it 

180.7 - 183.52 with discussion boards, which is also wonderful 

183.52 - 185.8 because discussion boards do count as contact 

185.8 - 187.69 hours in our online classes. 

187.69 - 191.41 So it's a way for your students to interact with each other 

191.41 - 195.13 but also get quality input from you on the discussions they're 

195.13 - 196.922 having regarding your class content, right? 

196.922 - 197.713 JIM THOMPSON: Yeah. 

197.713 - 199.45 And that's exactly how this got started. 

199.45 - 202.96 Sarah recommended setting up the discussion board for this class 

202.96 - 206.05 as a way to achieve some of the contact hours. 

206.05 - 208.45 What ended up happening went way beyond that 

208.45 - 210.76 and really surpassed my expectations. 

210.76 - 212.02 So if you don't mind, let me-- 

212.02 - 212.32 JENNY MCNIVEN: Yes, absolutely. 

212.32 - 214.3 JIM THOMPSON: --talk a little bit about that. 

214.3 - 216.752 Normally, in the class, I find topics 

216.752 - 217.96 that I would like to discuss. 

217.96 - 219.37 And so I still was doing that. 

219.37 - 221.38 And they're current marketing topics. 

221.38 - 224.26 The nice thing about marketing as a field 

224.26 - 226.78 is that every week, almost every day, 

226.78 - 229.7 there are brands doing things that we can talk about 

229.7 - 230.2 in class. 

230.2 - 233.11 And that's true whether it's international or domestic. 

233.11 - 237.04 And so I typically read four to five business journals 

237.04 - 240.49 or emails every single day with articles about what 

240.49 - 242.2 brands or companies are doing. 

242.2 - 246.97 And so I decided topics for the class. 

246.97 - 251.74 Last fall, there were 60 students in this online class. 

251.74 - 254.89 And so I organized them into pairs, so 30 pairs. 

254.89 - 257.769 And then each week, two or three of the pairs 

257.769 - 260.649 would receive a topic to research 

260.649 - 263.99 and then ultimately create a video. 

263.99 - 265.93 So expanding on that a little more, 

265.93 - 267.79 I would provide the topic. 

267.79 - 270.19 I would give them a paragraph or two description 

270.19 - 271.36 of what the topic was. 

271.36 - 277.03 And I would give them some links to online sites to get started. 

277.03 - 279.25 They would research the topic. 

279.25 - 282.97 And then instead of writing a paper or something else, 

282.97 - 284.02 they would do a video. 

284.02 - 286.66 And I had said five to seven minutes max. 

286.66 - 289.48 Pretty typically, they did about five and a half. 

289.48 - 292.09 And they presented what they learned 

292.09 - 295.57 about that particular topic to the discussion board. 

295.57 - 298.06 And then every student in class had 

298.06 - 300.897 to then comment on each of the videos each week. 

300.897 - 302.23 JENNY MCNIVEN: That's wonderful. 

302.23 - 305.08 I like how you, instead of making the discussion board 

305.08 - 306.91 something that was teacher-focused, 

306.91 - 309.43 where you were there, you were the expert giving them 

309.43 - 311.95 something to go off of, you made the students 

311.95 - 314.05 the facilitators of the discussion board 

314.05 - 316.943 instead so that that was the interaction they were getting. 

316.943 - 318.61 The students were responding to the work 

318.61 - 320.92 that their classmates had done on topics that they were 

320.92 - 322.27 familiar with and working on. 

322.27 - 323.02 JIM THOMPSON: Yep. 

323.02 - 324.145 JENNY MCNIVEN: I love that. 

324.145 - 324.97 Absolutely great. 

324.97 - 327.7 So once you've narrowed down on a topic like this, 

327.7 - 330.67 how do you frame it within the discussion board format 

330.67 - 333.4 to inspire great discussion or collaboration? 

333.4 - 336.01 There's so many different ways to do it. 

336.01 - 338.35 JIM THOMPSON: I just had the students 

338.35 - 341.71 who were doing the videos post them by Monday evening. 

341.71 - 343.75 And then all the other students in class 

343.75 - 348.7 had till Thursday evening to watch and then post comments. 

348.7 - 351.19 They might be comments where they agreed. 

351.19 - 352.21 They may have disagreed. 

352.21 - 354.82 There may be a point in the topic 

354.82 - 357.5 where they wanted to expand. 

357.5 - 358.67 And that's what happened. 

358.67 - 360.17 I should mention, the students who 

360.17 - 362.15 did the videos did a great job. 

362.15 - 363.32 I was really impressed. 

363.32 - 365.66 And actually, I was really impressed with the comments 

365.66 - 367.4 that students made. 

367.4 - 369.74 Maybe it's because it's a lot more interesting when 

369.74 - 372.62 it's a fellow student than the professor. 

372.62 - 374.9 But the students really-- 

374.9 - 376.418 they took it to heart. 

376.418 - 377.21 They made comments. 

377.21 - 379.82 Some students really expanded on it. 

379.82 - 383.9 Some were students who were not from the US who had experience 

383.9 - 385.13 in other parts of the world. 

385.13 - 387.5 And so they employed that in their comments. 

387.5 - 391.19 It really made for, I think, a great way 

391.19 - 392.99 of learning within the class. 

392.99 - 395.63 JENNY MCNIVEN: It sounds really fresh and different to me. 

395.63 - 399.29 A lot of discussion boards can tend to feel kind of stale 

399.29 - 402.47 because students are used to this singular format 

402.47 - 405.68 that we've had for the last decade of here's the topic, 

405.68 - 408.41 write one response, and respond to two other people. 

408.41 - 410.77 But I really like how you flipped it around and made it 

410.77 - 412.52 more about the work that the students were 

412.52 - 414.32 doing to create their presentation 

414.32 - 415.88 and then their response to that. 

415.88 - 418.86 So there's obviously lots of ways to design 

418.86 - 420.45 an impactful discussion board. 

420.45 - 424.29 So how do you approach actually differentiating the discussion 

424.29 - 425.76 boards you use throughout a class 

425.76 - 428.64 so that they do stay interesting and engaging for students 

428.64 - 431.34 so they aren't just doing the same thing every single time? 

431.34 - 432.34 JIM THOMPSON: All right. 

432.34 - 434.55 Well, again, I was using this during the course 

434.55 - 435.57 of the semester. 

435.57 - 440.8 So we didn't start with the videos until about four weeks 

440.8 - 441.3 in. 

441.3 - 443.55 So we had a number of things we were doing 

443.55 - 445.8 in class up to that point. 

445.8 - 447.72 And then I wanted to give students enough time 

447.72 - 448.74 to research. 

448.74 - 449.82 So I would give-- 

449.82 - 452.43 I would send the email to the two students 

452.43 - 455.31 who were going to own a particular topic about 

455.31 - 456.69 10 days in advance. 

456.69 - 460.35 And then that gave them time to research the topic 

460.35 - 462.99 and then talk to each other about what they 

462.99 - 466.21 wanted to discuss on the video. 

466.21 - 468.807 So each week, the topics were different. 

468.807 - 470.64 So you asked about how do you keep it fresh? 

470.64 - 472.29 Well, they were they were different. 

472.29 - 474.63 They weren't always marketing-specific. 

474.63 - 477.06 Sometimes it was cultural because a big part 

477.06 - 479.55 of international marketing, international business 

479.55 - 483.3 is understanding cultural differences between, let's say, 

483.3 - 487.14 the US and other parts of the world and other countries. 

487.14 - 490.2 And so I think that was a way to keep it fresh. 

490.2 - 493.44 Another thing that I did was I didn't always 

493.44 - 496.23 agree with the students' perspective. 

496.23 - 497.88 Not that they were wrong. 

497.88 - 499.68 It's that if they often-- 

499.68 - 500.233 or sometimes. 

500.233 - 501.15 I shouldn't say often. 

501.15 - 505.68 Sometimes had a perspective as the customer or the consumer 

505.68 - 508.68 for a brand as opposed to, let's say, the brand itself. 

508.68 - 512.13 And that allowed me then to pick two or three topics 

512.13 - 514.32 or two or three items each week. 

514.32 - 516.33 And then in our class, when we only 

516.33 - 519.24 had 55 minutes to talk about those 

519.24 - 521.309 and offer a different perspective than maybe 

521.309 - 526.14 what was presented in the video or in the comments 

526.14 - 527.22 and to offer-- 

527.22 - 531.57 the example here, as a consumer, it 

531.57 - 532.92 makes sense what you're saying. 

532.92 - 534.66 If you're the brand, here's how you 

534.66 - 536.25 might look at it differently. 

536.25 - 540.27 And so that's also how I incorporated it into class. 

540.27 - 543.12 JENNY MCNIVEN: I like how you used your role as someone 

543.12 - 546.72 who is more of a connector and someone who could propose maybe 

546.72 - 549.03 different aspects for them to consider 

549.03 - 551.76 as part of the discussion and the discourse. 

551.76 - 552.66 That's great. 

552.66 - 555.39 So discussion boards can be a really good medium 

555.39 - 558.15 for discourse, obviously, between faculty and students. 

558.15 - 560.64 But I think the secret sauce of a good discussion board 

560.64 - 563.73 is how it connects the students and provides a space for them 

563.73 - 566.68 to explore course materials and topics together. 

566.68 - 570.72 So what other ideas do we have for keeping discussion boards 

570.72 - 575.04 student-led rather than focusing on the faculty and the faculty 

575.04 - 576.84 facilitation of it? 

576.84 - 578.52 I like your idea of having students 

578.52 - 579.57 bring their own content. 

579.57 - 582.52 That's something I think you can do in a lot of different ways. 

582.52 - 584.58 JIM THOMPSON: So I mentioned earlier, 

584.58 - 589.92 marketing is a great discipline because everybody is an expert. 

589.92 - 592.14 If you think about finance or accounting, 

592.14 - 594.84 the students have to learn everything in class. 

594.84 - 596.94 They may have some understanding. 

596.94 - 599.01 But they have to learn pretty much everything. 

599.01 - 603.3 And so I can see where it might lend to a professor doing more 

603.3 - 605.88 talking because they're the experts. 

605.88 - 608.7 In marketing, students are experts. 

608.7 - 610.77 They can talk about brands. 

610.77 - 612.51 They've seen advertising. 

612.51 - 614.46 The Barbie movie came out this week. 

614.46 - 616.53 There's lots of perspectives on that. 

616.53 - 619.2 And so I really like having students 

619.2 - 621.33 talk in class because their opinions are 

621.33 - 623.25 completely valid for them. 

623.25 - 625.5 They may or may not be representative 

625.5 - 626.76 of others in class. 

626.76 - 629.91 And that's OK because if other students feel differently, 

629.91 - 632.07 they can offer those opinions. 

632.07 - 634.53 And that came out in the discussion boards 

634.53 - 637.05 where some students agreed and built 

637.05 - 639.99 but others disagreed and said, well, here's what I think. 

639.99 - 643.98 And I think it lends to a much better discourse 

643.98 - 646.2 if there's not agreement all the time, 

646.2 - 648.39 that it expands the way all of us think. 

648.39 - 651.84 And I'm a little bit older than the average student. 

651.84 - 653.61 And so I learned as well. 

653.61 - 656.28 I mean, I was seeing perspectives from the students 

656.28 - 658.188 that maybe I hadn't considered as well. 

658.188 - 660.48 JENNY MCNIVEN: Do you find yourself surprised sometimes 

660.48 - 664.2 at the students who maybe are not as comfortable on camera 

664.2 - 666.15 during a synchronous Zoom session 

666.15 - 667.89 perhaps who maybe come out and where 

667.89 - 669.495 they shine is in the discussion board 

669.495 - 671.37 where they have a little bit more time to put 

671.37 - 675.87 their opinion and all of their perspective into one 

675.87 - 679.92 really well-proposed context and provide not in a way that's so 

679.92 - 681.66 confronting as being on camera? 

681.66 - 683.34 JIM THOMPSON: So I actually think 

683.34 - 688.83 that in this particular class, I asked for students to volunteer 

688.83 - 690.78 to go first or second. 

690.78 - 692.88 And so the students who are, I think, 

692.88 - 696.43 more confident or less risk averse 

696.43 - 697.53 are the ones who offered. 

697.53 - 700.59 And so they did their videos first. 

700.59 - 702.27 And they were OK with it. 

702.27 - 707.79 And some other students made comments about how good 

707.79 - 710.16 the video was, how great the students did. 

710.16 - 712.98 And I think it made it OK for everybody else. 

712.98 - 714.96 And so even those who were maybe a little more 

714.96 - 718.83 introverted or concerned, I think felt OK. 

718.83 - 721.44 And students who weren't from the US 

721.44 - 724.47 and where English wasn't necessarily a first language, 

724.47 - 726.547 I think they felt OK with it as well. 

726.547 - 727.38 JENNY MCNIVEN: Yeah. 

727.38 - 729.36 I think it's great to have discussion boards 

729.36 - 733.32 as a way of allowing students who have different skill sets 

733.32 - 735.57 or maybe are more comfortable in different situations 

735.57 - 739.5 to show off or to really show up in a different way 

739.5 - 741.24 through that context. 

741.24 - 744.66 I know that I've actually been an online student several times 

744.66 - 746.7 before where we've had discussion boards as part 

746.7 - 748.02 of my online content. 

748.02 - 752.01 And I've been in classes with good online discussion boards. 

752.01 - 754.92 And I've been in classes with not-so-great online discussion 

754.92 - 757.38 boards, discussion boards where I felt like they'd really 

757.38 - 759.72 been just thrown in there to give students busy work 

759.72 - 762.18 to do so they had something else to grade 

762.18 - 765.51 and didn't necessarily connect to the rest of the content 

765.51 - 768.16 or the class activities or what's been going on. 

768.16 - 771.72 So what are your thoughts on how to really incorporate 

771.72 - 774.72 discussion boards into what you're doing in class 

774.72 - 776.028 time or related coursework? 

776.028 - 776.82 JIM THOMPSON: Yeah. 

776.82 - 780.81 So I want to do a tangent to something you said. 

780.81 - 783.85 For this particular class, I explored videos in the vault. 

783.85 - 787.35 JENNY MCNIVEN: Ah, the video vault. JENNY MCNIVEN: Ah, the video vault. [INAUDIBLE] 

787.35 - 789.75 JIM THOMPSON: And many of them had been 

789.75 - 791.85 created about 10 years ago. 

791.85 - 795.24 And in marketing, 10 years is an eternity. 

795.24 - 799.81 And then if you throw COVID and the pandemic in there 

799.81 - 802.71 and then supply-chain issues that also happened 

802.71 - 806.28 over the last five or six years and inflation, 

806.28 - 808.59 it means that pretty much anything that 

808.59 - 810.81 was in there was out of date. 

810.81 - 813 But the other thing in a lot of those videos-- 

813 - 814.56 they were really long. 

814.56 - 817.422 And I don't have a long attention span. 

817.422 - 818.88 And so I didn't want to watch them. 

818.88 - 820.83 And I sure don't want to create a long video. 

820.83 - 824.46 But if I'm someone who's Gen Z who's 

824.46 - 828.99 used to watching TikTok videos, then the content for the class 

828.99 - 831.63 should be consistent with what they're used to. 

831.63 - 834.78 And so I felt that saying five to seven minutes 

834.78 - 836.25 was consistent with that. 

836.25 - 838.35 And again, most of the students were roughly 

838.35 - 840.12 five and a half minutes in length. 

840.12 - 842.1 And I think that really contributes 

842.1 - 844.44 to people paying attention because it's 

844.44 - 846.9 consistent with what they're normally used to seeing. 

846.9 - 850.2 And it doesn't require a lot of effort. 

850.2 - 851.97 It's just a few minutes to watch. 

851.97 - 853.507 And then you can comment afterwards. 

853.507 - 854.34 JENNY MCNIVEN: Yeah. 

854.34 - 857.04 I really like that approach because I've definitely also 

857.04 - 858.81 had discussion boards where it was like, 

858.81 - 861.39 watch this YouTube video that's 40 minutes long 

861.39 - 864.18 and format your opinion on perspective on it. 

864.18 - 867.12 And that's pretty taxing for a student who already 

867.12 - 868.74 has a pretty heavy workload. 

868.74 - 870.972 So being able to sit down and actually 

870.972 - 872.43 connect with your fellow classmates 

872.43 - 874.2 to watch them talk for five minutes 

874.2 - 877.02 and then be able to respond and engage with that I'm sure 

877.02 - 879.48 is something that actually keeps your students maybe 

879.48 - 882.395 more excited about partaking in the discussion boards 

882.395 - 884.52 and having that as part of their course curriculum. 

884.52 - 885.312 JIM THOMPSON: Yeah. 

885.312 - 886.23 I hope so. 

886.23 - 889.74 I was actually quite excited when I was watching the videos 

889.74 - 891.09 and reading the comments. 

891.09 - 893.043 So hopefully, the students felt the same way. 

893.043 - 894.21 JENNY MCNIVEN: That's great. 

894.21 - 897.3 So finally, to wrap things up, how 

897.3 - 899.545 would you encourage your fellow instructors 

899.545 - 901.92 to make sure that they're keeping their discussion boards 

901.92 - 903.84 relevant week to week throughout a course? 

903.84 - 906.48 Not necessarily that they have to have one every single week, 

906.48 - 910.2 but how to make your discussion boards relevant and maybe 

910.2 - 912.877 responsive to what is happening in your classroom every week. 

912.877 - 913.71 JIM THOMPSON: Right. 

913.71 - 917.97 So I like having in-class discussions. 

917.97 - 921.18 Again, I think they really add to the class. 

921.18 - 924.84 And maybe it's easier in a course like marketing. 

924.84 - 929.76 But it gave me ideas for topics for the future as well when we 

929.76 - 930.96 got into discussions. 

930.96 - 933.03 And I felt like maybe what the students 

933.03 - 937.47 were saying was, again, pertinent for them 

937.47 - 940.47 but not necessarily the way that, in this case, 

940.47 - 942.84 international companies would think 

942.84 - 944.34 about marketing their products. 

944.34 - 948.84 And it gave me ideas to use for future topics 

948.84 - 952.08 if I could find something relevant in the class. 

952.08 - 953.58 JENNY MCNIVEN: That's fantastic. 

953.58 - 955.9 I absolutely love talking about discussion boards. 

955.9 - 957.65 I have enjoyed talking about them with you 

957.65 - 960.05 and hearing your ideas and some of the fresh new ways 

960.05 - 962.255 that you've introduced them into your classes. 

962.255 - 962.36 JIM THOMPSON: OK. 

962.36 - 964.19 Well, my pleasure, and thank you for having me. 

964.19 - 965.18 JENNY MCNIVEN: You're so welcome. 

965.18 - 967.01 JIM THOMPSON: It started with an idea from-- 

967.01 - 968.18 JENNY MCNIVEN: From an instructional designer. 

968.18 - 970.055 JIM THOMPSON: From an instructional designer. 

970.055 - 971.85 And now it will finish with more ideas. 

971.85 - 973.88 JENNY MCNIVEN: It will go on to live forever 

973.88 - 976.49 through our instructional design team. 

976.49 - 977.42 I promise you. 

977.42 - 978.65 Well, thank you again, Jim. 

978.65 - 980.483 This has been a really wonderful discussion. 

980.483 - 981.32 I appreciate it. 

981.32 - 983.14 JIM THOMPSON: Thank you. 

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